‘Fig Bilbao’ – Bilbao, Spain

The Print Festival ‘Fig Bilbao’ in Bilbao, Spain.Thursday, 23rd – Sunday, 26th 2023@fig_bilbaoVerónica Arellano a director of Xalubinia Art and Engraving Center takes MASAMI to the Fig Bilbao with her. Work

‘ÎLIENS’ – La Kour, Réunion

The group exhibition ’ÎLIENS’ at La Kour, Réunion@kafelakourFriday, 3rd November, 2023Click here for the Flyer La Kour: 51 rue du musée. 97436 Saint-Leu. La RéunionTel: 06 93 92 79 23

‘Noir et Blanc’ – Galerie des Augustines

The group exhibition ‘Noir et Blanc’ at Galerie des Augustines in Marseille, France. @galeriedesaugustines6 place Des Augustines 13002, Marseille Saturday, 2nd – Saturday, 30th September, 2023 – Scan the catalog here – Check out the event details on Facebook

‘Art Pieces of Clouds’ MASAMI Pop-up – TOKYO FANTASTIC 201

Pop-up ‘Art Pieces of Clouds’ at TOKYO FANTASTIC 201 @tokyofantastic201 Saturday, 16th – Saturday, 30th September, 2023 – Display with @wire_mizuno, wiresculptor based in Japan since 2011.– Watch the interview here (Japanese) 2023.9/16(土)〜9/30(土)「MASAMI ポップアップ〜雲のアートピースたち〜」 – 針金造形作家 水野 后子さんの作品とともに。(水野さんInstagram @wire_mizuno )– これまでの作品作りや本作品について、インタビューしていただきました。

‘astèr atèrla’ – CCCOD

Group exhibition “astèr atèrla” at CCCOD (centre de création contemporaine olivier debré) in Tours, France.@CCCOD07 July, 2023 – 07 January, 2024Adrdess: Jardin François 1er 37000, ToursTel: 02 47 66 50 00Work

‘On se tisse toutes’ – Fondation H

The group exhibition ‘On se tisse toutes’ at Fondation H in Antananarivo, Republic of Madagascar. 28 April – 30 July, 2023 Work 1 | Work 2 | Work 3 | Work 4 @Foundation H 3GRF+PVV, Rue Refotana, Antananarivo, Madagascar Free admission10:00 – 18:00 (Tue-Sat)10:00 – 16:00 (Sun) +261 38 05 500 50